Getting to know your dog and creating a great first impression is most important to us as we want to set off on the right foot (or paw!) To help this we have created a structured environment for your dog’s first day care experience.
Our inductions are planned to be slightly shorter than the standard full day, beginning at 10am and ending at 4pm. This provides us a good opportunity to bond with your dog, and help them integrate comfortably with our other members. We can get a good feel for what they like and be sure they are completely happy in the dog day care environment.
Safety and a relaxed atmosphere are our number one priority when it comes to keeping our guests entertained within a group setting. To maintain this, we need to ensure all temperaments are well rounded, non-aggressive and there are no unwanted behaviours shown by new participants, which may cause issues with our existing dogs.
An induction is a great chance for you to have a good look around, meet us all and answer your questions. We ask that you arrive on time to your dog’s induction to ensure no time is lost from the induction itself. You will need to scan a copy of your dog’s up-to date vaccination records onto your secure online portal.
For the first 10 minutes a member of the team will give you a walk round of our facilities to get a feel for how we do things and see the dogs interacting. This is a great chance to ask questions and get know who will be looking after your dog for the day. We limit the amount of time we spend just with you to 10 minutes, as our focus is on the dogs and getting them settled and comfortable.
We will use the information you have provided during the online registration process to assess and create some good matches and find some new friends for your dog. We will slowly introduce them to other dogs once they enter the area chosen for them. Our team will then closely monitor your dog’s progression, whilst developing a bond with them to ensure all interactions are positive and that they get chance to relax into their new environment. First encounters are always the hardest so try to minimise your own anxieties as these can (and do) rub off onto our four-legged friends.
Our team are experts in canine behaviour, so when we are introducing a new dog to our group, we are looking for the smaller signals your dog gives off when meeting new friends. We will watch for their style of play and how well they understand the signals from who they are playing with. We also watch how they interact with our team. We will soon know if your dog is comfortable and how to help them settle and make friends.
A member of the induction team will bring your dog back to you at our main reception area and they will provide full feedback on how the induction has gone. From this point we will be able to agree future use and the pricing that we can offer your dog to provide the right level of care, suitable for their individual needs.
We may need to customise their stay to begin with depending on how they got on, but we will discuss this on an individual basis. Our priority is getting your dog off to the best start with us and ensuring a positive experience for everyone.
Following your induction, you will receive confirmation of enrolment. You are then free to use the online system to get your dog booked in. Due to the busy nature of our reception, we prefer all users to become familiar with our online booking software. Should you have any difficulties a member of the team can run through how to use the booking platform.